"We do not stop playing because we grow old

We grow old because we stop playing"

Wongfu Productions


Long time no see

Do you know when it feels like a long time since you blogged?
is when you friend only blogs when she cooks
she has the time blog and make food
meaning she has way too much time
or... i just havent been stuffed to blog
one of the other
personally i think it would be the first one XD
soz brenda (links up there guys )

so what been happening the past couple of weeks...
nothing much
other than gay arse school
school you are soo friggen gay and u are the worst thing in the world gjhoeirajgdiasfjdjffeagfeg rageee~~~~~~~~

anyways thats about it
last thing
im thinking about pancake parlour lately
do u guys like that place
leave a comment below XD
like dislike ?



teenagefoodie said... 1

i don't have too much time on my hands, i just take time from other things like HW to cook and blog. keep blogging (Y)

Unknown said... 2

Geeeez Brenda *is jealous*
As for the pancake parlour, I've never been v_v;

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