"We do not stop playing because we grow old

We grow old because we stop playing"

Wongfu Productions


Library outing

so for the past 2 days ive been to the library
from start to finish
dont try it , hurts ur brain and when u come home you will be soo drained that u will think girls have rights (wahah only joking)

So today, i went to the library and did some study and then went to lunch with one of my blogging friends ngoc (links up there)
so we went to kfc yes how original
thats coz i had coupons and being the asians we are, discounts will always win ALWAYS
Ngoc wanted some pepper battle or some shet , so we put like 3 packets of pepper in to our burgers, it tasted ok u know? but then ngoc.... WAHHAHAHA could not take her own idea,
drank that pepsi like no tomorrow.
afterwards ngoc was all like, man u make me look dirty,
since i had the neater side of things XD knowing the neatness of myself
check it out~!

kinda proves that some guys are neater than some girls.... wahahahaha
so study done? 1hr~1.5hrs? not alot >_>
but oh well its beta than zero XD

p.s. might be updating stuff from the party, for those that know
comment if u want the videos on facebook or youtube


Anonymous said... 2

LOL ur guys are so mean to ngco :(

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