"We do not stop playing because we grow old

We grow old because we stop playing"

Wongfu Productions


IF your reading this
you probably... spend a lot of time the internet...
and if you spend a alot of time on the internet
then you probs have a facebook profile ...

BUT i just think some people rely on facebook a BIT too much
Facebook also makes people think they have friends (pity)
"ey dude, i have like 500 friends on facebook~!"
"wow thats a lot ... and how many do u know in real life"
" er.. "
"*cough* none*cough* "
oh wow that poor kid :S
There is also a facebook group thats called "adding everyone facebook doesnt make you popular"
but it just dont join groups >_>

And i said before that some people rely on facebook too much...
imma tell you a real story.
this was in the math methods exam >_> year 11
there some guy that brought his friggen text book in
and the teacher said you cant do that
and his like ... i heard that you can
teacher says FROM WHO~
and he says "facebook"

WTHHHHHHHHHH wow soon facebook will start controlling our lives
and soon enough they are going to make up our decisions for us

OH and another thing.... PEOPLE LOVE COMMENTING
oh mmm ggeee so everyone goes comments
comment on photo
comment on note
comment on status
comment on activity
comment on this
comment on that
You get my drift
But some people dont exactly know the default settings on facebook
So let me clarify some stuff
facebook is set to...
Meaning all eyes can see everything >_>

Another thing... whats with people giving status updates...
"Xiaowei is blogging about facebook"
who the f cares
we dont need to know every tiny detail about you life
sorry but really who cares...

IM not saying that facebook is entirely bad...
there are some positives...
Like fill other peoples walls with HAPPY BIRTHDAYS
like... pre facebook ... we probs didnt even know it was their birthday :S

OK facebook isnt too bad
i dont mind going on sometimes
but seriously control ur addictions
or you will get hurt
