"We do not stop playing because we grow old

We grow old because we stop playing"

Wongfu Productions



so im on my third friggen day of schooll
only like .... 200 or soo to go
and im hating it already

but eh.. heres a run down of my subs and what i think of them

English language
er... only had one class, the teacher is the same and most of the people in my class are similar
nothing ultra good
only had one class
but i have a feeling that it would be last year... but 10000000x more demanding :(

Specialist maths
no this is not maths for special people
i have a very good teacher, and spesh i kinda enjoy learning spesh although it is very very hard :(
hope i can do well in this subject
people in my class are pretty good, seem like a competitive bunch of lads and some girls

Maths methods
Oh boii ... i have a teacher, funnny but im in noo need of a funny teacher, im in need of a serious teacher ... my class is like ... packed and i dont really have any friends in the class :(
guess ill have to be a loner and self learn ... well means i can do a lot more work ;)

Again its a packed class, and the teacher was my former chem teacher, who i quite like, problem is my bio lessons are all in the middle of the day when im hungry and tired, Tiredness hunger are not good things to be when u have bio...
personally i do not like bio and only chose it coz of ... mum >_> ...and im just soo bored of it my head hurts... but i am trying to listen in class and work hard...
good luck on that jeff :S

Now here is my favourite class
not only do i love the subject, my class its pretty good, and not only that, they are ... actually more competitive than my spesh class... it is also packed with nerds that will get enter score of 99.95
The teacher is also excellent, slow for now but if he is this speed at the hard stuff, i mma get a 50 for chem LOL i kids i kids im not that smart

So there you go
just a short post as i need to study study study
smiles ~!


Anonymous said... 2


trish said... 3

trying to study in bio my arse
hahah youre always distracting me

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