"We do not stop playing because we grow old

We grow old because we stop playing"

Wongfu Productions

haps to jen

well i got ONE comment on daily blog
is its good if its short

here it goes

nothing happened today

ok im done

thats not just it
well it was warm then it rained
and i had to walk home in the rain
and how much i hate rain~!!!!!! pisses me offfffff
but then at dinner
if you guys dont my dads vego like buddist vego so like no garlic no onion nothing
LOL and my mum baked some potatoes that were from those frozen shet you get from the supermarket and it had onion powder and garlic powder or something on it
and my dad just comes home and starts eating these potatoes
and he is like
mmm these are nice what you put in them....
and mum was like NOOOOOOOOOOO they have garlic shet on it
and then dad was like
WTF YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU **** get back to the kitchen >_>
and they argued over potatoes
WHAHAHA i dunno
i find that funny
bio sac tomorrow :U bahhhhhh
you are really old now
Peace ~!


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