"We do not stop playing because we grow old

We grow old because we stop playing"

Wongfu Productions


Alright i know i havent given you guys a post lately
so here is one

so about... last week? on sunday...
w8 i dunno
2 sundays ago when the melbourne uni open day was on
i woke up a tad late
and as its sunday, if i miss a tram ill have to w8 the same time as you wait for a fking bus...
seriously melbourne more public transport please... w8 more free public transport please.. as you take enough tax from us >=]
well thats not the story
anyways back on topic...
i took the 109.... as you know or may not know
this route goes through richmond... and in richmond im not bagging the town im just saying
homeless people get on ... theres some lady lets say... call her A, and.... some other guy B.
So theres people get on, and people on the tram are actually really nice to these people, i mean, could be that they are scared but i doubt it offer seats and stuff
well earlier there was another homeless guy C on the tram and they seemed to know each other
they begin tlking to each other, and the homeless lady A says, imma marry B
and then C goes wow... congratulations, and other people on the tram also say that...
then C goes... but you know marriage is a very big thing, you have to be very committed
A goes... i know, but i reckon if two people love each other nothing should get in the way, and marrying is just to reinforce that... ( well she didnt say reinforce, kinda out of her vocab, but it was something along those lines)
anyways, i kinda tuned out after that , or more.. i forgot but that had me thinking
even people like homeless guys fall in love and shet ... i feel soo alone :(
but that means , NO PREJUDICE, if your alone like me
just think that they can find love too meaning you probs can
So just be patient and sometime it will come
be patient and some hot arse chick will come to your front door and before you know it
wife and kids.... OK BBAHAHA dont quote me XD

When i heard these people tlking about marriage and love..
man i swear, the people that live simple live complicated :)
and on the note of hobos HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA link up there spam her chat box with happy birthdays


Xiaowei~! said...

well your the one that says ur hobogloves

Nelson said...

wow i really liked this post jeff :)

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